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Automotive Gas Struts
378 productsStruts Australia provides the largest range of Automotive Gas Struts in Australia. Whether you need to replace worn-out struts or upgrade your vehicle's performance, our extensive range ensures you'll find the perfect gas strut fit for any vehicle make or model. Our high-quality, durable gas struts provide reliable performance and ease of installation. Explore our collection and find the right solution for your automotive needs.
Struts Australia provides the largest range of automotive gas struts in Australia. Whether you need to replace worn-out struts or upgrade your vehicle's performance, our extensive range ensures you'll find the perfect gas strut fit for any vehicle make or model. Our high-quality, durable gas struts provide reliable performance and ease of installation. Explore our collection and find the right solution for your automotive needs.
What are Automotive Gas Struts?
The Struts Australia automotive gas struts are devices fitted to a moving structure panel on the vehicle such as boot and/or bonnet (hood) and/or tailgate. The gas struts assist the user with reducing the force projected in the act of moving the panel to the desired state such as open or closed. The gas struts come in various sizes, end fitting mechanisms as well as charged gas pressures inside the cylinder. The struts are vehicle specific so please take care in choosing the right gas strut for your vehicle.
What are Automotive Gas Struts Filled with?
Automotive gas struts are filled with nitrogen gas, a heavier gas by design which prevents oxidation. This choice ensures consistent performance and longevity, as nitrogen maintains stable pressure and resists leakage.
How are Automotive Gas Struts and their End Fittings Measured?
Gas Struts are vehicle specific however generally speaking they’re measured centre to centre, taking note of the extended length, compressed and stroke length as shown below:
See our page on How to install Gas Struts
What are the most Common Applications for Automotive Gas Struts, including the Vehicle Bonnet?
Automotive gas struts are generally fitted to bonnet lid panels, boot lid panels and or tailgate panels and in some cases some vehicles have rear glass panels that also require vehicle specific automotive gas struts. Specific models like the Ford Ranger bonnet require specialised gas struts designed to maintain the functionality and safety of the bonnet.
Can Automotive Gas Struts be Refilled or Repaired?
The Struts Australia automotive gas struts can be refilled, subject to warranty or a chargeable fee for service. For ultimate quality, performance and cost effectiveness it's recommended to install new gas struts rather than re-gassing them. This ensures the longevity and performance of the vehicle strut to an expected standard.
How do I Choose the Right Sized Automotive Gas Strut?
The correct automotive gas struts can be chosen on our website with our very own, easy to use, drop down selector tool. You can find this located at the top of each vehicle manufacturer page on the Struts Australia website. Our selection tool includes options for various models, all you have to do is to input your vehicle information and the system will determine the right gas strut for your vehicle. You can contact our friendly customer service for expert advice on choosing the correct automotive gas strut that’s right for your vehicle.
Does it Matter which way Automotive Gas Struts go?
Automotive gas struts have a specific way as to which orientation they are fitted. Generally gas struts are fitted cylinder side up. This ensures the lubrication mechanism is functioning correctly and the longevity and performance of the gas strut working as intended.